

The smart deposit-free reusable system for sushi takeaway & delivery


The smart reusable system for Sushi To-Go

Relevo gives you the opportunity to convert your order, takeaway or delivery sushi to a smart reusable system, offering your customers a sustainable and contemporary alternative to disposable dishware. With the specially developed sushi box, you ensure the highest product quality, as well as ensuring your compliance with the mandatory reusable offer that will come into force on July 1, 2023.

Your Relevo Sushi Box

This is how simple your reusable sushi offer works

1. Delivery

On demand: We supply you with the exact number and type of reusable dishware you need for your restaurant. Without you having to pay acquisition costs for the dishes.

2. Borrowing

Your visitors scan the QR code on the sushi box in the free Relevo app and use it to borrow the dishes. The borrowing is free of charge for your customers.

3. Return

The empty dishes are returned by your customers after use. Scanning your return poster will end the checkout without any manual effort.

4. Cleaning

The Relevo Sushi Box can be washed regularly in your dishwasher and then put out again.

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Meer informatie

Our reusable system is already available in more than 500 cities at over 2,000 restaurants.
You can find all locations in the free Relevo app!

Interested in a reusable solution for sushi? Contact us!

We will be very happy to consult you in a personal meeting to find together the best solution for your take-away business with sushi.

U bekijkt momenteel inhoud van een plaatshouder van HubSpot. Klik op de knop hieronder om de volledige inhoud te bekijken. Houd er rekening mee dat u op deze manier gegevens deelt met providers van derden.

Meer informatie