

The term sustainability is now on everyone’s lips. Acting sustainably to avoid plastic in order to protect the oceans – living sustainably to stop climate change – the definition of the German government’s sustainability strategies – or the commitment to Agenda 2030 and thus the UN’s 17 sustainability goals.


Basically, it’s about being mindful and responsible in our use of the earth’s available raw materials. These resources are not infinite and are being exploited in many parts of the world without considering the consequences for future generations. The so-called triangle of sustainability brings together all ecological, economic and social elements. From an ecological point of view, resources should only be consumed to the extent that the regeneration of nature allows. From an economic point of view, an efficient economy should be guaranteed without problems for future generations. And on a social level, equal opportunities, prosperity, education and culture should be guaranteed for all. If all three pillars are given equal consideration, a stable balance can be achieved and sustainable action can be taken.

Acting sustainably is essential when we consider the global events and challenges facing the world today. Above all, our lifestyle today determines what life will look like for all of us in the future. For us, this means critically scrutinising our consumption of resources!

Everyone should be aware of the long-term impact of their daily actions. Do I buy my coffee in a to-go cup every day? – If so, I am actively contributing to environmental pollution. Do I eat meat or dairy products two or three times a day? – If so, vast areas of forest in Latin America are being cleared for animal feed. Do I buy new clothes every month because it’s the latest trend? – If so, I might be supporting child labour in Asia. The list goes on and on…
So create an awareness of the impact of your behaviour on the earth. This is the first step in the right direction. Countless articles on the internet will tell you how you can then make your lifestyle more sustainable and change it, and you can also find lots of content on critical topics on social media or listen to interesting discussions in podcasts. These are accessible to us at any time, free of charge and it doesn’t take much effort to find out about them from the comfort of your couch. So there are no excuses at this point, because climate change is already omnipresent even in our latitudes and anyone who claims to have never heard of it is actively closing their eyes to injustice and exploitation and consciously allowing the destruction of our home!

You can start quite simply by taking the pyramid of sustainable consumption to heart. This involves rethinking your purchasing behaviour and changing your current consumption habits. Firstly, use what you already have. If you don’t have it and need something new, it’s best to borrow it from friends or simply swap it with them. Whenever possible, you should try to make it yourself. And if none of the above options work, see if you can either get the product second-hand or from sources that are regional or as sustainable as possible. This means that sustainable behaviour is usually not more expensive and can even help you to save money and make a positive contribution to the environment at the same time. And with these considerations in mind, you are taking the first step towards sustainability!

There are also plenty of great companies on the market that are already aware of their responsibility and offer sustainable products. True to the motto: if its new, then at least make it sustainable! Here you can find inspiration for green companies worth supporting:

Less Waste Club

You don’t like using bar soaps in the shower or at the sink, but still want to put an end to the flood of single-use plastic in your bathroom? The Less Waste Club has set itself this goal and developed sustainable body care products in powder form. The Less Waste Club’s mission is to make everyday products more sustainable for both the environment and everyday life without producing new single-use plastic packaging. Their ‘Waterless’ body care products reduce the water content to almost zero! The powder only becomes a ‘normal’ shower gel or liquid soap when water is added in your own bathroom. The powder is packaged in paper sachets that can be recycled in the paper waste bin after use. The Less Waste Club products in powder form work like normal care products – just better for the environment. No more new disposable plastic! The products are free of microplastic, biodegradable and vegan.


If you are planning to make your home more cozy and inviting, you will find a wide range of environmentally friendly products in eco-design at WestwingNow. The focus here is on high-quality furniture that is durable, made with a mindful use of resources and produced under fair working conditions. From furniture made from recycled materials and home accessories made from bamboo to glass straws and capsule-free coffee makers, you can buy sustainable furnishings on their website without feeling guilty. You will also find helpful tips on how to choose sustainable furniture or how to revitalise your existing furniture with decorations.

Too Good To Go

With the Too Good To Go app, you can save delicious and overproduced food from being thrown away! Because in Germany alone, a third of all food is wasted and that doesn’t have to be the case. Simply download the app, find partners in your neighbourhood and do something good for the environment. You can not only save money but also become a food saviour!


You can also go green when surfing the internet. By using the search engine Ecosia, you can choose the sustainable alternative to the giant Google. Ecosia is both privacy-friendly and transparent, and trees are planted with every search. You can track their financial reports and your personal data is not passed on to advertisers. Their search results may be a little smaller, but who has ever been on page 21 of Google? Give it a try, because even online, every click can make a difference.


The best way to clean sustainably and make the world a little cleaner is with Everdrop. Their alternative to conventional cleaning and laundry products comes entirely without plastic and uses much less CO2, as their tabs do not require any water to be transported. This means you can save on packaging waste without compromising or making a big effort.


Probably the easiest way to save a lot of plastic every day is to carry a water bottle everywhere you go. You can get fresh water almost everywhere for free without spending money on bottled water and polluting the environment. With the bottles from soulbottles, you are travelling in a fair, sustainable and climate-friendly way and they are also a real eye-catcher with their printed and engraved motifs!

As you can see, you can make a sustainable decision in any area of your life: you can embrace the idea of zero waste, consume fewer animal products, rethink your mobility, look out for green holidays and always learn new things by making them yourself instead of buying new ones. Another piece of good news: you can make this decision every day!

PS: Sustainable behaviour is not about doing everything perfectly right from the start. Take things in small steps and at your own pace, because every little step counts. If we all took these small steps, we would already be much further along by now and the most important thing is still to start and get going. Start where it is easiest for you and remember that it is not a competition to be better than others somewhere. It’s about moving on and thinking ahead, sticking with it, not being discouraged and helping each other. So try things out, be inspired and don’t put yourself under pressure. Because at the end of the day, we are all in the same boat and inhabit this wonderful planet Earth, which needs to be preserved for future generations.