

Reuse Food – The Reuse of Leftovers

In communal catering, it is always important to keep food waste to a minimum. On the one hand, it is important to recycle food and dishes to reduce the impact on the environment, on the other hand it is also important for your own costs. Recycling food and meals, often referred to as “reuse food,” is an excellent innovative idea to address food waste.

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Sustainable Working from Home

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic at the latest, the topic of working from home has become increasingly relevant for many companies. Almost a quarter of all employees have been allowed or required to work from home in the past two years.

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Reusable and Hygiene – Tips for Safe Food Serving

More and more people are bringing their own containers when picking up their food. Additionally some start-ups are increasingly spreading their reusable systems. However, many restaurateurs are starting to have second thoughts. Are reusable tableware and the strict hygiene regulations, especially during times of the AHA rule, compatible?

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What is Greenwashing?

Organic labels, packaging with a wood-like appearance, green labels – all of these are indicators of a sustainable manufacturing process for the product. At least that’s what we should think from the manufacturers. But what’s really behind it all?

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Clothing Made from Recycled Plastic

Around 10 million tons of plastic waste are dumped into the oceans every year. According to projections, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by 2050 with the status quo. More and more clothing manufacturers, including some large ones, are therefore now focusing on the trend of producing clothing from recycled plastic collected from the oceans.

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What Does Sustainability & Sustainable Living Mean?

The term sustainability is now on everyone’s lips. Acting sustainably to avoid plastic in order to protect the oceans – living sustainably to stop climate change – the definition of the German government’s sustainability strategies – or the commitment to Agenda 2030 and thus the UN’s 17 sustainability goals.

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